You start this section climbing on a footpath to the hilltop of A Vaqueriza. From here you can see the A Terra Cha, a plateau in the province of Lugo.
READ MOREYou descend towards Vilabade and enter the municipality of Castroverde, with its Gothic church of Santa María, a national monument. You cross the town of Castroverde where you will find the church of Santiago, the Fonte dos Nenos and the keep of a 14th-century castle.
In Castroverde, you should stop and get some provisions for the road.
The Original or Primitive Way continues from Castroverde towards San Miguel do Camiño. You cross the River Chamoso until Souto de Torres, still in Castroverde. Then you will find Nadela, Vilar de Cas and A Pallota.
Once you exit Castroverde, the first village in the municipality of Lugo is Gondar, where the route goes up the Costa Francesa. You should pay attention to the signs that will take you to Bascuas, Carballido, Fazai and Santiago de Castelo, just a few kilometres away from Lugo.
You access the city through the gate of San Pedro in the impressive Roman wall until you reach the Cathedral of Santa María. Lugo, Lucus Augusti, is considered to be the oldest city in Galicia. The wall encircles the old town and was built in the second half of the 3rd century. It has 85 towers and 10 gates and was declared a World Heritage Site in 2000, it is twinned with the Great Wall of China since 2007. The wall is complete and you can walk around it for free.
Lugo is worth a leisurely visit. The Romanesque Cathedral of Santa María is a treasure to be discovered. It is devoted to the Virgin Mary, represented as the Virxe dos Ollos Grandes. The main altar was damaged during the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 and it was divided into several fragments, the two largest ones are on either side of the nave. During some restoration works in 2012, an 18th-century mural on the vault was uncovered. It was painted by José de Terán and can now be seen.
Almost as famous as the wall and the Cathedral is the “rúa dos viños”, you can follow it into the heart of the historic town and enjoy some white or red wine.
Tips from our postmen and women
What to do and see in the stage O Cádavo - Lugo?

“In Castroverde, there is a street market held on the first and third Sunday of the month, an agricultural and artisanal fair originating in the 12th century. This is a crowded fair with thousands of visitors where you can eat under oak trees and share a table with the locals.
Lugo’s spa still has the 1st-century Roman baths on the ground floor. The facilities are considered a historic monument while the waters are recommended for 24 different ailments. The spa is located by the Original Way and the Roman bridge over the River Miño, in the area known as “Barrio da Ponte”.