
Tips to do the Camino

Tips to do the Camino


Where to buy the Credencial for the Camino de Santiago

The Credencial, or Pilgrim's Passport, is one of the most important features of the Camino de Santiago. No walker or cyclist should start the Route without it, since it is the document that accredits us as pilgrims. Today we shall clarify some of the issues regarding its origin, function and use, as well as where the Camino de Santiago Passport can be obtained.

Where to buy the Credencial for the Camino de Santiago

Tips to do the Camino


Dividing the Camino in stretches

Covering the Camino de Santiago dividing it in stretches is a good option if you do not have many days at your disposal. It is more economic and flexible and it allows a better planning. In this article, we tell you the advantages of dividing your route and some suggestions on how to do it.

Dividing the Camino in stretches

Tips to do the Camino


The Camino de Santiago in winter

Choose the appropriate route, plan your itinerary well, protect yourself from the cold ... We give you the keys to enjoy the Camino de Santiago also in winter.

The Camino de Santiago in winter

Tips to do the Camino


Tips for the Camino de Santiago in autumn

We give you some advice on which route to choose if you are going to do the Camino in the autumn months, what clothes and footwear are the most suitable and what plans you can make during your Route.

Tips for the Camino de Santiago in autumn

Tips to do the Camino


The cost of travelling the Camino de Santiago

Guide to all expenses that may be incurred by pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago, with tips and tricks for responsible consumption and to avoid carrying too much money.

The cost of travelling the Camino de Santiago

Tips to do the Camino


Tips to beat the heat on the Camino de Santiago

Keep hydrated, protect yourself from the sun, avoid the hottest times of day, plan your breaks for the shade... We give you some simple tips so the heat doesn’t take its toll on your Camino experience. 

Tips to beat the heat on the Camino de Santiago

Tips to do the Camino


What to do at the end of the St. James’s Way

Enter the Cathedral of Santiago, stroll through the old town, enjoy the Mercado de Abastos, visit the headquarters of the University... We tell you ten plans that you cannot miss when you finish your Camino de Santiago.

What to do at the end of the St. James’s Way

Tips to do the Camino


Spring, the best time to do the Camino de Santiago

Pleasant temperatures, fully functioning hostels and a moderate influx of pilgrims characterize the months of May and June, two of the best to experience the Camino.

Spring, the best time to do the Camino de Santiago