

Places of the Camino


Camino del Norte: How to get to Irún

Irún is the main starting point of the Northern Way (Camino del Norte), the Jacobean Route that runs along the northern coast of Spain. In this post we explain how to get to this Basque city by plane, train, bus or car to start your Camino de Santiago.

Camino del Norte: How to get to Irún

Tips to do the Camino


Which Camino de Santiago should you choose?

Whether you prefer light walks or a more challenging route, the company of other pilgrims or the solitude of the Camino, walks by the beach or green mountain paths... there's a Camino de Santiago for you. Today we detail the most popular Camino de Santiago routes so you can choose the one that suits you the most.

Which Camino de Santiago should you choose?

Places of the Camino


How to get to Saint Jean Pied de Port to Start your Camino de Santiago

If you are planning on walking the French Camino, the most well-known route to Santiago de Compostela, the first thing you need to know is how to get to your starting point. Here we detail the best options on how to get to one of the most popular starting points: Saint Jean Pied de Port.

How to get to Saint Jean Pied de Port to Start your Camino de Santiago

Tips to do the Camino


Questions every pilgrim has about the Camino de Santiago

Thousands of pilgrims walk the Camino de Santiago every year, but if you're not familiar with the Route you might have some questions about it: Where do I start? What's the most popular route? How much do I walk each day? 

Today we answer the most common concerns pilgrims might have before starting their Camino de Santiago

Questions every pilgrim has about the Camino de Santiago

Camino Teammates


American Pilgrims: Jacobean spirit from 3.850 miles away

Three hundred people participated in the annual gathering of the largest community of pilgrims in the USA. Today we summarize in ten stories their passion and love for the Camino de Santiago.

American Pilgrims: Jacobean spirit from 3.850 miles away

Camino Teammates


American Pilgrims, the helping hand of the Camino de Santiago in the United States

We talked with George Greenia, founder of the American Pilgrims on the Camino, the largest community of pilgrims in the United States

American Pilgrims, the helping hand of the Camino de Santiago in the United States

The Way with Correos


Camí de Sant Jaume: Catalonian routes and their integration on the Camino

There are as many Caminos as there are pilgrims. Today we talk about the routes of the Camí de Sant Jaume and the work of Catalonian associations to integrate these pilgrimage routes, making them successful in the coming years.

Camí de Sant Jaume: Catalonian routes and their integration on the Camino

Tips to do the Camino


Ten useful tips to prepare for the Camino de Santiago

Which route to choose, what to do with your backpack, how to send your bicycle, what to bring...Today we're offering 10 tips to plan your route and enjoy the Camino as much as possible.

Ten useful tips to prepare for the Camino de Santiago