Xacobeo 2021
15-07-2021The Compostela Holy Year on stamps
Correos joins the Xacobeo 2021-2022 with the issuance of a stamp dedicated to the Camino de Santiago. To celebrate it, we invite you to a very special pilgrimage through the Jacobean stamps, from 1937 to today.
The Compostela Holy Year on stamps
Tips to do the Camino
10-06-2021The Camino de Santiago by rental bike
We give you some tips when it comes to renting a bicycle on the Camino de Santiago and we recommend some rental companies specialized in the Jacobean Routes.
The Camino de Santiago by rental bike
Camino de Santiago and Covid-19
06-05-2021The Camino de Santiago and Covid-19
Pilgrims will be able to return to the Camino de Santiago. We summarize how the situation is and the measures adopted by the Government to recover the return to normality
The Camino de Santiago and Covid-19
History of the Camino
28-01-20212020: a different year in the Camino de Santiago
We take stock of this 2020, a year in which the Camino was empty for months, albergues and other accommodation were forced to close their doors and the number of pilgrims who made it to Santiago and picked up their Compostela barely reached 50.000.
The chestnut tree of Ramil, the tree of the Camino de Santiago
It’s been on the Camino de Santiago for over 800 years. Its impressive structure appears to be a weather map. And no pilgrim goes back home without taking a picture with it. Today we share the history of Triacastela and the chestnut tree of Ramil, thanks to a man that knows it better than anyone else: Santiago Soria, a resident of the village of Ramil and a true lover of the Jacobean Route.

Culture & Traditions of the Camino
05-11-2020Game of the Goose: symbolic map of the Camino
The Order of the Templars could have invented this game which is actually an encrypted guide of the Camino Francés through 63 squares that represent a round trip to Santiago.
Camino de Santiago and Covid-19
22-10-2020Walking the Camino de Santiago during Covid-19
Less pilgrims, closed albergues but the same urge to go back to the Camino. Isabel and Jesús tell us about their experience on the Camino Francés in a year marked by coronavirus.

Xacobeo 2021
15-10-2020The Holy Door of Santiago
The Holy Door is the most exclusive access to the Cathedral of Santiago and will be open this upcoming year, when we celebrate the Xacobeo 2021. Learn more about the Holy Door in this article!