

Culture & Traditions of the Camino


Essential photos of the Camino de Santiago

How many thousands of photos have you taken during the Camino de Santiago? Thanks to the the Internet and to social media, we are in touch with in the particular view of the pilgrim. And we have found some shared themes & subjects. Of course each photo is unique, just like the experience of each pilgrim.

Below are some of these shared subjects. We hope they inspire and encourage you to take some good pics along the Way!

Essential photos of the Camino de Santiago

History of the Camino


The origins of the pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela

It’s said that there are as many Caminos as there are pilgrims. But the truth is that all of the historical routes to Compostela have their raison d'etre and served to build a phenomenon that helped to structure Europe, almost always using ancient Roman roads.

Do you know how, when and why the Caminos to Compostela multiplied? This week we'll tell you all about the origins of the best known and travelled routes of Camino de Santiago today.

The origins of the pilgrimage routes to Santiago de Compostela

Tips to do the Camino


Looking after your feet on the Camino de Santiago

What is the worst enemy of pilgrims? Not the rain nor the sun nor exhaustion nor snoring. It is the blisters and other injuries resulting from poor foot care.

To reach Santiago de Compostela with the fewest possible maladies (because having one is inevitable), we provide you with some tips on how to take care of your feet and avoid greater problems.

Don't forget to look after them! Remember that they are what will bring you to Compostela.

Looking after your feet on the Camino de Santiago

Tips to do the Camino


Online resources for the Camino de Santiago

In addition to our day-to-day travels on the Way of Saint James with our pilgrim services, we've spent a great deal of time looking for resources and useful information about the route.

Today we share some online resources for the Camino de Santiago. They are excellent examples of how creativity and technology can help both pilgrims and the Way itself.

We hope that you like them as much as we do!

Online resources for the Camino de Santiago

Culture & Traditions of the Camino


The Camino de Santiago in August, kilometres of fairs & festivities

Summer is the season of thousands of festivals, fairs and popular pilgrimages around every corner. And the different routes to Santiago cross many of these celebrations. When you arrive somewhere and find that you're breathing something special, that the streets are decked out and that you are welcomed with even more joy than normal, congratulations: you've arrived just in time for party!

We'll give you suggestions for some festivities that you´ll find in August on your way to Santiago.

Make a stop on the Camino and join the folks!

The Camino de Santiago in August, kilometres of fairs & festivities

Culture & Traditions of the Camino


A daily planner for the 2016 Apostle Festivities

If you've just arrived in Santiago de Compostela after travelling the Camino, you may have noticed that we are in the midst of festivities. After the opening address on the 15th, the city has been in full festivity mode, both day and night. Yet there's still so much left to see! We'll suggest a daily schedule starting today so that you can make the most of the 2016 Apostle Festivities.

And, as a reminder, everything in the official programme costs Euros!

A daily planner for the 2016 Apostle Festivities

The Way with Correos


The Post Office, 300 years walking the Way

This past 8 July we celebrated 300 years of the Post Office. All the while, we´ve been travelling many ways...including the Way of Saint James!

Day by day we’ve learned what this route means for pilgrims. Let us show you why our colleagues and their work are inseparable from the pilgrims and the Camino de Santiago.

Won´t you join us on this delivery?

The Post Office, 300 years walking the Way

Camino Teammates


The 'Pingüigrinos´ of the Antarctic Way arrive in Compostela

Good news! Remember that we recently wrote about the Antarctic Way? Well, since the 7th of July, it´s a reality. The ´pingüigrinos´ (penguin-pilgrims) of the Hesperides Oceanographic Research Vessel recently set foot on the Obradoiro Square.

We walk you through the details!

The 'Pingüigrinos´ of the Antarctic Way arrive in Compostela