The values of the Camino in 12 months
17-08-2017The Camino of integration
Integration is one of the 12 values highlighted by our community of pilgrims as representatives of the Camino de Santiago. Today we want to show you examples of integration, which we can find ourselves going through.
The Camino of integration
The Way with Correos
10-08-2017Discover the Magic of the Camino de Santiago Exhibition
We'll reveal - one by one - all the panels that make up the Discover the Magic of the Camino de Santiago Exhibition so that you can see the final result, even if you're unable to visit in person.
Tips to do the Camino
01-08-20179 things to know before you begin the Camino de Santiago
It is usual that many doubts arise before begin on our Way to Santiago de Compostela. Today we solve some of the most usual.
Tips to do the Camino
20-07-2017Finish the Camino de Santiago on the Day of the Apostle
The day 25 July is a distinguished date for all the Galicians and for all the pilgrims. It is the Day of the Apostle and the National Day of Galicia and Santiago is the epicentre. You want to live it?
The values of the Camino in 12 months
14-07-2017Diego Davila: “I want to plant the seed of the Camino de Santiago in the hearts of all Brazilians.”
Diego Davila, a Brazilian pilgrim and author of the blog is a perfect example of diversity on the Camino de Santiago. The values of the Camino in 12 months.
The values of the Camino in 12 months
06-07-2017How to win the Camino de Santiago Photo Contest
During Summer 2017 we are looking for photos that best show the Value of the Camino. What value represents you the most? If your photo is representative of pilgrim energy, you might be able to receive one of our prizes.
The values of the Camino in 12 months
29-06-2017Juan Carlos Pérez: “We are facing a challenge”
The challenge of Sustainability on the Camino de Santiago with Juan Carlos Pérez, president of the Astorga Association of Friends of the Camino and promoter of the cleaning campaign A Clean Step.
Culture & Traditions of the Camino
22-06-2017Saint John's Eve, a stop on the Camino
Saint John's eve, the shortest and most magic night of the year. If you are doing Camino de Santiago that night, the mix could turn into a marvelous thing. We gather the main spanish traditions of this festivity.